In this weeks blog, we are going to be looking at what else we can do to improve the reach of our post. There are a couple of strategies that you simply may not have thought to have tried.
Recycle, reuse and reduce
I hope the name of my email snagged you. I thought it was an appropriate way to look at content sharing on posts. This is what it means:
Recycle and reuse: using content you have shared previously
Reduce: this really refers to you. By recycling and reusing content, you will reduce the time and effort taken to manage your Facebook page.
Many people mistakenly believe that if they put up the same post on Facebook, that their audience is likely to get annoyed with this. The reality is that when you repeat a message on Facebook, the overlap is around 30% (data: Wisemetrics, March 2014). This means that only 30% of your audience are likely to see the repeated message. This is quite low. If you have put considerable time and effort in to creating a great post or writing a great blog, you should ASBOLUTELY share it more than once on your Facebook page.
BUT, and there is a big BUT, do not simply copy and paste the exact same post. Those who have already seen it will recognise it as being identical and will think you are being lazy. What you need to do it mix it up a little bit. Here are some simple actions that will allow you to re-use content on your Facebook page:
Change the wording
If you change the wording, you are essentially creating a fresh post. You can make some minor alterations and re-create your post so that it looks new and interesting to your audience.
Spin it
Put the focus on a different aspect of what it is you are sharing. For instance, if you are sharing a blog post that covers more than one topic, highlight one topic in one post and another topic in the next.
Break it down
This is really simple if you have any lists in your blogs. If your entire blog contains something like: 5 ways to get better organic reach, you can create 5 Facebook posts highlighting each tip on a different post.
Create a quote
You don’t have to share the entire blog. Why not take a snippet from it and create a quote. This is a clever and interesting way to use content.
The Sequel
If you have shared some great content such as a blog, create a post that references not only the link to the blog but also some feedback that you might have had from the blog. This will show your audience that people are enjoying your blogs.
Now don’t just sit thinking to yourself: “WOW, they are great ideas!” Get cracking. Grab a link that you have shared and create 5 posts from that single link. You can use one of these a week for the next 5 weeks. So handy!