I wanted to share a tip that the professionals on Facebook take advantage of and you can be too. Many of us use our personal Facebook page to connect and network online. And herein lies the opportunity.
On your personal Facebook page, you can connect your business page. This allows anyone who visits your personal page to see your business. It is easy to connect your business Facebook page to your personal profile.
Before you start this, go to your business Facebook page and make a note of exactly how your business page is named. Be sure to accurately note things such as capital letters and spacing (or not as the case may be) For example, my business is written Online Social Butterfly which is identical to my business name. BUT, your Facebook page may not.
Sarah Facebook
Step 1: Go to the About section on your personal page
Step 2: In the Work and Education section, choose the option Add a workplace.
Step 3: You now have an empty box and you need to start typing the exact wording of your business page.
Step 4: Facebook will start to autofill with lots of page options. Once your page appears, select this.
Step 5: Once you are happy that your business page has been chosen, you move through the options as per the image below.
Company Facebook
Be sure to add all of the detail that Facebook allows. Remember, this is another chance to showcase your business so go for it!
Step 6: Be sure to press Save changes so you don’t lose all of your hard work.
Now every time you post on Facebook from your personal profile, your business page will be visible. This will allow you to grow both your personal and business profile on Facebook. Remember, as small business owners this is an edge we can have over big businesses who need to entice their employees to list them.