Did you know Instagram was the first social media platform that was “born mobile”?
It started out as an app before it was available for use on traditional desktop computers.
When it was launched in 2010, the percentage of internet traffic that came from mobile devices was just under 7% so it was a fairly bold and ambitious idea to launch a mobile-only social media app.
It is vital that you come to terms with using it on your phone or tablet as the desktop version has limited functionality. Further, many of the apps developed to help you get the most out of Instagram are (obviously) mobile-based as well.
Many people still view Instagram as a little bit fringe but I am here to tell you that Instagram is SO HUGE – it has over 300 million active monthly users. This is amazing when you consider it was only launched in 2010. It is now the second largest social media platform with Facebook being the #1.
If you have your business set up on Instagram and you have been posting sporadically, this is just not going to cut it. There are currently more than 75 million daily users. You need to be on there daily.
Be sure to set aside 10 minutes every day to check your account, find some followers via hashtags and like and comment on some posts. Engagement is key to growing your following on Instagram. It is not enough to just post like you perhaps would on your Facebook account. You need to be active on your Instagram account if you are going to engage with your followers and grow your business.
Instagram is fairly unique in that you can connect quite intimately with your audience – it is the equivalent of being Facebook Friends with your ideal customer. This puts us in a position to really connect with our audience. So don’t let that opportunity pass you by – start commenting on your followers’ posts. Get to know them and really create a connection.