When you have a business page on Facebook, it is really easy to become obsessed with the stats within this. One of the most obvious numbers we can be caught up in is the number of LIKERs or FANS that we have. It is really important to actively cultivate your numbers in this respect.
What are LIKERs or FANs
Fans on your page are like prospects. They are people that are interested in your business and who may buy off you in the future. They have liked your page because your business is of interest to them. Your posts are your chance to provide them with more information about you, your business, your product or your service. It is truly marketing not just sales. This is because social media is very much a personal engagement platform. People are there mostly to interact with people personally, not to be sold to.
But my LIKERs are dropping..
When I speak to clients, the liker numbers decreasing is a common complaint. Let me give you a little insight in to something I just did. I have been on Facebook for a long time and I personally use it to do research. I realised that I liked over 1800 pages. This has been over the past 7 or so years. The number of pages I like is now down to less than 100. So did I unlike these pages because I don’t like the business or their products? Absolutely not. I am no longer interested in the products they sell. I no longer have babies in my house or need to know about sleep (thank goodness) or many other things that I was 7 years ago.
In essence, I am not likely to buy from these businesses. I am no longer their ideal customer. This is how you need to look at the decline in your likers. If people are not interested in your business, for whatever reason, wave them goodbye, and keep your focus on your prospects or your current likers.
We must remind ourselves that in many ways, a business page on a social media platform is a like a shop front. If a customer enters our store and then leaves without purchasing, we don’t sit there wondering why they didn’t buy. We keep our focus on the next customer. This is what you need to do with your page.
If you are worried about losing fans who are previous customers then you need to read my next blog on keeping in touch with your customers.